4 Quotes & Sayings By Jaroslav Kalfar

Jaroslav Kalfar was born in 1977. He received his first camera at the age of 13, and learned his professional skills at the age of 20. He has published several books, including "The Prague Cemetery" (2010), "The Alley" (2011) and "The Hluboký Forest" (2012). Kalfar's photographs have been selected for exhibitions in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Japan, Hungary, Germany, Belgium, France and the United States.

We know that the world operates on a whim, a system of coincidences. There are two basic coping mechanisms. One consists of dreading the chaos, fighting it and abusing oneself after lost, building a structured life .. in which every decision is a reaction against the fear of the worst .. This is the life that cannot be won, but it does offer the comfort of battle - the human heart is content when distracted by war. The second mechanism is an across-the-board acceptance of the absurd all around us .. This is the way to survive in this world, to walk up in the morning .. and exclaim, 'How unlikely! Yet here we are, ' and have a laugh, and swim in the chaos, swim without fear, swim without expectation but always with an appreciation of every whim, the beauty of screwball twists and jerk that pump blood through our emaciated veins. Jaroslav Kalfar
Time was not a line, but an awareness. I was no longer a body, but a series of pieces whistling as they bonded. I felt every cell within me. I could count them, name them, kill them, and resurrect them. Within the core, I was a tower made of fossil fragments. I could be disassembled and reassembled. If only someone knew the correct pressure point, I would turn into a pile of elements running off to find another bond, like seasonal farmhands journeying from East to West. . Jaroslav Kalfar
But one has to ask: why do the big things at such a high cost? I chose the quiet life. I like the idea of being recognized by my field and no one else. This way I have a purpose, one I believe in, but I'm not burdened by the constant idea of putting on a public image, a view of myself the masses can accept. Nobody cares whether I'm fat or cheat on my taxes. It is not the only right kind of life, of course, but it is the honest life for me. What I'm saying is, I make the right choices for myself. Jaroslav Kalfar